Home » Resources » News Archive Search for: All News Articles The Bishop In the first decade of the second century, less than a hundred years …... Forgive all things on the Resurrection Someone wrongs me and I want vengeance, I want punishment, I want …... Judgement Our decisions in life have consequences: we affect others and …... God and me “It’s just God and me,” we can easily tell ourselves, “I lead a good life,…... A Time to Repent Solomon the King tells us, "To everything there is a season, …... Light of the Nations In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, …... Christianity is ridiculous Why are there not more people in society who think and state …... Prove God exists Many in our secularist world want to see existence as a series of …... The Body of Christ So often in life we are tempted to perform at the level of “good enough.” …... Sin lies at the door Modern Christians are tempted to see sin in legal terms …... The Prophets From the conquest of the Promised Land, for about 400 years, …... Stay in the Ship The Apostle Paul, when journeying to Rome to come before Caesar, was …... The Light of the World, the Light of Life Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the Light of the World. …... Decline of Society Our society has many good and valuable charities which work to serve …... The Ark enters the Temple For us to receive more fully Christ born in our hearts we make …... Christ born The nights draw in. We are starting to feel a chill in the air …... Our Hymn The history of mankind has been the history of the oppression of the weak …... Meaning and worth Many thousands of people in our country make pilgrimages weekly to …... Building the Church Now the Word of the Lᴏʀᴅ came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, …... Stand fast There are some who believe everything is provable. We can study …... The Source of Hope For what purpose does our community exist? How do we bring benefit to …... The Word of God The Bible is of great importance to the Church but it is not the full …... Inner Monologue Many have an inner monologue, a continuous expression of speech within …... Possession Modern people—particularly in the "civilised" world—have become blind to …... Prayer We speak regularly about prayer, about its importance in our lives. …... Saints and sinners We develop ideas in our minds and we want to contrast groups, …... Why live like that? Our world seeks and endorses power, money and prestige. …... The assembly of gods Modern Christians become squeamish when faced with pagan gods. …... Read with spiritual eyes We want to read Genesis chapter 3 as a fable, as a “how snakes lost …... Foundation stories Communities, if they are to be enduring, have foundation stories …... Reorder our lives We come to Faith in Christ, Faithfulness to Christ, and we fit this …... The source of meaning Meaning in the world seems to be becoming something which is found …... The apostolic Church And in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. …... Babel undone As all ancient peoples know, gods dwell on mountains and it is to …... He’s gone Christ is risen! “He’s gone, he’s disappeared, and now we get on with our …... Live the reality Christ is risen! And this has been our paschal joy, our message to …... Death and Life Christ is risen! We have come to the middle of the Feast. Pentecost is …... Worship the living God Christ is risen! Our modern world has left gods in our wake—they were from…... Rituals Christ is risen! As far as we can tell, humanity has always had rituals …... Repent Christ is risen! I tear myself up because I want to repent but I cannot …... God died God is dead. And I continue my life without reference to him—my sufferings…... Experience the glory of God "I am Orthodox because it's the true Church," I declare arrogantly, …... Build an Altar to the Lord An altar is not just a table, an incidental necessity for the purposes of …... Happiness and Joyfulness To prepare us for Pascha, the Resurrection of our Lord, the Church teaches…... Sufferings I lead a good life, a moral life, a Christian life. I go to Church, …... This is eternal life The season of Lent is here. The Church, out of love for us and …... The Church is Community “I have found the Church of God,” I say to myself, “I have discovered …... Judgement Chapter 25 of Matthew's Gospel is a challenging read …... Encounter Christ Why are you part of our community? What brings you to our Church? … ... Remember Christ The seasons come and go. This winter, with the exception of a …... Through prayer, offerings and sacrifices As we work through this challenging time as a community we may ask …... Value, Worth and Dignity One of the tragedies in our world is that many don't see …... Like and Love What's the difference between liking something and loving it? …... The Future of the Church There is no guarantee the Church will continue in this country. …... Faithful, Loyal and Trustworthy We regularly use words such as faithfulness, loyalty and trust: but what …... The Declaration of War It should come as no surprise to us to describe this world as a world of …... Christ is born The days are short and the nights long, a cold chill remains despite …... Defying Death From antiquity, humanity has been seeking to defy death. …... The future of our community It was a great joy to welcome our Father in Christ, Metropolitan Silouan, …... The bishop, the image of Christ Wherefore it is fitting that you should run together in accordance with … ... Why the services? Why go to Church? To gain favour, to earn "grace points," to get God to do…... Identity Our world is trying to atomise us—to separate us from one another. …... The Bronze Serpent God's people murmured against him and against Moses. …... Live here and now "If I were rich," I lie to myself, "then I would be able to …... Christ never fails We have come to believe, which is to say we have become faithful to, …... Do the will of God "I know there's a God," I pontificate to myself, "but I don't …... We pray For what do I pray? Do I pray for my own repentance, for the strength …... The Church of the living God "Church is there for me when I need it," I am prone to say. …... The Gospel of the Resurrection Central to our lives as Christians is the Resurrection of Christ. …... Receive the Holy Spirit Why is it, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we know about …... Behold the Man After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, …... Creation continuing The Lord created the Earth, and it was good as we read so many times …... A faithful family I, as an individual, have a direct relationship with Jesus. …... The future of the Church What is the future of the Orthodox Church in this country, this region, …... Don’t give Many of us will know what it is to receive a gift from someone …... The Empty Tomb We face the inevitable: unless the Lord returns first, we will die. …... A Serving Church I want the Church to be there for me. I want to be able to …... Ordering the Wilderness A theme we have throughout the Old Testament is the dwelling-place of God …... Two Extremes We are presented with two extremes. On the one hand a rejection of … ... The Bread of Life We gather from different places, from different backgrounds, …... Prayer or magic? What is prayer? Why do we pray? Is it to control God, to curry favour …... So now what? So now what? We have received the resurrected Christ, we have received …... Pentecost On Saturday 4th March we opened the Triodion, the book of the services of …... The Leavetaking of Pascha Christ is risen! Our joy! Christ is risen! Our delight! …... Living as Community Christ is risen! I go to Church, I receive communion, I go to confession, …... The Word of the Lord Christ is risen! We are often led to believe by some that the God of the …... The Gospel of Salvation Christ is risen! Well we may rejoice in what has been achieved in our …... Prayer Christ is risen! I pray, I fast, I go to Church, I give to charity, …... Christ’s Resurrection is our Resurrection Christ is risen! Our faithfulness to God is meaningless without the …... What is love? Love is seen universally as a good thing: everyone is pro-love. …... Ideas and Ideologies Our world likes to identify itself with ideas …... Live life World history is displayed on grand stages: speeches made to thousands, …... More perfectly receive Truth and Life We started the Great Fast by forgiving and asking for forgiveness …... Encounter Christ "We have seen the True Light," we hear during the Liturgy, "we have …... Outside Paradise I sit outside Paradise and bewail my loss, for I too have fallen …... Everything is renewed What Christians believe is truly beyond human logic. …... Participate and live Some go to Church as a spectacle. They sit and watch as …... Repent A doctor or a dentist usually has a willing patient. We want to be well, …... Hypocrisy There's something I want and there's nothing I can do to get it, …... I believe "I believe it will be a good year," or "I believe the shop will be …... Goals Our world encourages us to set goals for our lives …... Festering sin In our modern eyes, sin is viewed morally and legally. "I did the wrong …... Reflect, ponder, think This week between Christmas and New Year has a strange feeling for many …... Christ is born! Glorify him! We celebrate a birthday not merely to remember the event of a person's …... Repent Christians repent; we view the world with its evil and the evil which we …... Valuing gifts As children, it would be easy for us to cause offence to our parents, …... The Body of Christ It is easy to imagine that what is important is "my own relationship with …... The Holy of Holies The history of Israel of the Old Testament—our history!—is leading to …... Stand firm The world always offers us temptations to draw our worship away from …... Community spirits "You are fine by yourself," our world lies to us, …... Rituals Our life is full of rituals, they mark out who we are as a society and …... Be the salt and the light "In the year that King Uzziah died," the Prophet Isaiah tells us, …... Share love You are loved. This is the fundamental reality of human existence …... Foolishness to the world The Cross has become for many in our society a pretty object, …... A word from Sayidna “I called to mind the Prophet, as he cried: I am earth and ashes; …... The Empty Tomb What will become of us, dear brothers and sisters, when we die? …... Transfiguration The Transfiguration is described in three of the Gospels …... Give to the Lord Which part of your life do you offer to the Lord? Which part do I offer? …... The saints as our guides The saints form for us a continuous tradition throughout the centuries …... The Greatest Miracle The Lord said, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign." …... A part of Life It is all too easy to lie to ourselves, "I can worship God anywhere." …... Rivers of the Spirit At the Ascension, the disciples still seemed to misunderstand the Gospel …... Listen to God From late winter we have been in the period surrounding Pascha. ...... A Life of Faith Christ is risen! "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, ...... Start with prayer Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! How often do we place prayer at the…... The Bishop’s Visit With great joy, the faithful of Twelve Apostles’ Church welcomed our ...... The Place of the Bishop For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, ...... Enter the Mystery It is with great joy I greet you all in Great and Holy Week. ...... The Spiritual Spring Evenings are getting noticeably longer as we witness spring ...... Live the Faith Our world has turned religions into sets of beliefs—it is as if ...... It’s their fault The history of the human race is the story of passing the blame: ...... How long? It is easy to look around us and see the world crumbling—war, fear, panic …... Forgive us as we forgive We have arrived! We have arrived at the threshold of the Great Fast. ...... War War has descended. The enemy is before us and we must fight. ...... Put magic aside Do you believe in magic? Because it is rife in our society. ...... Heroes and Heroines Before setting out on a quest, the hero of legend must prepare himself. …... Witness of Love The Christian life is a paradox. We are told the way to lead is to serve, …... Receive Christ When a new-born baby comes into the world the life of the parents is ...... The chief of sinners In the Prayer before Communion we say, I believe, O Lord, and I confess, …... A sanitised life How much of our lives is lived as spectators—observing the dangerous, ...... Pagan gods defeated Creation is renewed when Christ descends into the waters ...... Offer ourselves "What does God want from me?" I ask myself, "What should I do for him?" ...... Life is hard Life is hard. The utopia promised to us by ...... What is a feast? Our human life is made of a multitude of cycles and seasons ...... Do you remember? How much of your past do you remember? This can be a difficult question ...... Christ the Gift God offers to you and he offers to me the Kingdom. Freely. All we ...... Christ the Truth Many in our world believe religion is here to provide comfort to ...... Christ’s Victory For thousands of years humanity remained captive to demons and the devil...... You are loved You are loved. This is the foundation and starting point ...... What shall I give back? It is an impossible task to count all the blessings God has given us. ...... Alive in Christ It must have been an impressive event when Paul, the great Apostle ...... A saint who speaks to us We are surrounded by a great cloud of saints: ...... Why be a Christian? Why should anyone be a Christian? Many people in our society lead ...... The Cross, the means of our salvation Human history is the story of humanity's rejection of God. ...... Our priorities September, even in our modern world, is a time for returning to ...... How does the Liturgy affect you? And this is a good moment for each of us to reflect: what does it mean ...... Our saint, our land, our prayer Every day we commemorate saints. Some we feel a closeness to, others ...... A cloud of witnesses We are still within the celebration of Pentecost and I greet you all ...... The End Times Are we in the End Times? This is a question many like to ask. ...... In-between We are in an in-between phase of our liturgical life. We have stopped ...... The Leavetaking of Pascha Christ is risen! In the coming week we will come to the end ...... Who is welcome? Christ is risen! How many of us want Church to be for people like us? ...... Focusing on problems It is easy to focus all our attention on a problem—this is ...... Getting organised Christ is risen! How easy is it to realise once we've started something ...... Christ is risen! How has the Resurrection impacted your life this week? ...... New Place of Worship Starting with Great Vespers on Lazarus Saturday, Twelve Apostles' Church will be able to hold... Pascha Services Our services for Pascha are as above. ...... Twelve Apostles’ Feast The growth of our community continues. Our Metropolitan, Sayidna Silouan, has now blessed us... A beginning We have only just started, and we are unable to hold services yet, but we can be united as a communi... Latest News The Bishop In the first decade of the second century, less than a hundred years …... Latest Blog Apodosis of Pascha Today we offer back to God the celebration of Pascha—today is its Apodosis…... Latest Sermon No longer possessed by anger — Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise Another person wrongs me and I am burned up inside: anger possesses me …... Latest Media How to balance Faith and Career In this episode of Be the Bee, Steve explores how we can balance our ......
All News Articles The Bishop In the first decade of the second century, less than a hundred years …... Forgive all things on the Resurrection Someone wrongs me and I want vengeance, I want punishment, I want …... Judgement Our decisions in life have consequences: we affect others and …... God and me “It’s just God and me,” we can easily tell ourselves, “I lead a good life,…... A Time to Repent Solomon the King tells us, "To everything there is a season, …... Light of the Nations In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, …... Christianity is ridiculous Why are there not more people in society who think and state …... Prove God exists Many in our secularist world want to see existence as a series of …... The Body of Christ So often in life we are tempted to perform at the level of “good enough.” …... Sin lies at the door Modern Christians are tempted to see sin in legal terms …... The Prophets From the conquest of the Promised Land, for about 400 years, …... Stay in the Ship The Apostle Paul, when journeying to Rome to come before Caesar, was …... The Light of the World, the Light of Life Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the Light of the World. …... Decline of Society Our society has many good and valuable charities which work to serve …... The Ark enters the Temple For us to receive more fully Christ born in our hearts we make …... Christ born The nights draw in. We are starting to feel a chill in the air …... Our Hymn The history of mankind has been the history of the oppression of the weak …... Meaning and worth Many thousands of people in our country make pilgrimages weekly to …... Building the Church Now the Word of the Lᴏʀᴅ came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, …... Stand fast There are some who believe everything is provable. We can study …... The Source of Hope For what purpose does our community exist? How do we bring benefit to …... The Word of God The Bible is of great importance to the Church but it is not the full …... Inner Monologue Many have an inner monologue, a continuous expression of speech within …... Possession Modern people—particularly in the "civilised" world—have become blind to …... Prayer We speak regularly about prayer, about its importance in our lives. …... Saints and sinners We develop ideas in our minds and we want to contrast groups, …... Why live like that? Our world seeks and endorses power, money and prestige. …... The assembly of gods Modern Christians become squeamish when faced with pagan gods. …... Read with spiritual eyes We want to read Genesis chapter 3 as a fable, as a “how snakes lost …... Foundation stories Communities, if they are to be enduring, have foundation stories …... Reorder our lives We come to Faith in Christ, Faithfulness to Christ, and we fit this …... The source of meaning Meaning in the world seems to be becoming something which is found …... The apostolic Church And in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. …... Babel undone As all ancient peoples know, gods dwell on mountains and it is to …... He’s gone Christ is risen! “He’s gone, he’s disappeared, and now we get on with our …... Live the reality Christ is risen! And this has been our paschal joy, our message to …... Death and Life Christ is risen! We have come to the middle of the Feast. Pentecost is …... Worship the living God Christ is risen! Our modern world has left gods in our wake—they were from…... Rituals Christ is risen! As far as we can tell, humanity has always had rituals …... Repent Christ is risen! I tear myself up because I want to repent but I cannot …... God died God is dead. And I continue my life without reference to him—my sufferings…... Experience the glory of God "I am Orthodox because it's the true Church," I declare arrogantly, …... Build an Altar to the Lord An altar is not just a table, an incidental necessity for the purposes of …... Happiness and Joyfulness To prepare us for Pascha, the Resurrection of our Lord, the Church teaches…... Sufferings I lead a good life, a moral life, a Christian life. I go to Church, …... This is eternal life The season of Lent is here. The Church, out of love for us and …... The Church is Community “I have found the Church of God,” I say to myself, “I have discovered …... Judgement Chapter 25 of Matthew's Gospel is a challenging read …... Encounter Christ Why are you part of our community? What brings you to our Church? … ... Remember Christ The seasons come and go. This winter, with the exception of a …... Through prayer, offerings and sacrifices As we work through this challenging time as a community we may ask …... Value, Worth and Dignity One of the tragedies in our world is that many don't see …... Like and Love What's the difference between liking something and loving it? …... The Future of the Church There is no guarantee the Church will continue in this country. …... Faithful, Loyal and Trustworthy We regularly use words such as faithfulness, loyalty and trust: but what …... The Declaration of War It should come as no surprise to us to describe this world as a world of …... Christ is born The days are short and the nights long, a cold chill remains despite …... Defying Death From antiquity, humanity has been seeking to defy death. …... The future of our community It was a great joy to welcome our Father in Christ, Metropolitan Silouan, …... The bishop, the image of Christ Wherefore it is fitting that you should run together in accordance with … ... Why the services? Why go to Church? To gain favour, to earn "grace points," to get God to do…... Identity Our world is trying to atomise us—to separate us from one another. …... The Bronze Serpent God's people murmured against him and against Moses. …... Live here and now "If I were rich," I lie to myself, "then I would be able to …... Christ never fails We have come to believe, which is to say we have become faithful to, …... Do the will of God "I know there's a God," I pontificate to myself, "but I don't …... We pray For what do I pray? Do I pray for my own repentance, for the strength …... The Church of the living God "Church is there for me when I need it," I am prone to say. …... The Gospel of the Resurrection Central to our lives as Christians is the Resurrection of Christ. …... Receive the Holy Spirit Why is it, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we know about …... Behold the Man After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, …... Creation continuing The Lord created the Earth, and it was good as we read so many times …... A faithful family I, as an individual, have a direct relationship with Jesus. …... The future of the Church What is the future of the Orthodox Church in this country, this region, …... Don’t give Many of us will know what it is to receive a gift from someone …... The Empty Tomb We face the inevitable: unless the Lord returns first, we will die. …... A Serving Church I want the Church to be there for me. I want to be able to …... Ordering the Wilderness A theme we have throughout the Old Testament is the dwelling-place of God …... Two Extremes We are presented with two extremes. On the one hand a rejection of … ... The Bread of Life We gather from different places, from different backgrounds, …... Prayer or magic? What is prayer? Why do we pray? Is it to control God, to curry favour …... So now what? So now what? We have received the resurrected Christ, we have received …... Pentecost On Saturday 4th March we opened the Triodion, the book of the services of …... The Leavetaking of Pascha Christ is risen! Our joy! Christ is risen! Our delight! …... Living as Community Christ is risen! I go to Church, I receive communion, I go to confession, …... The Word of the Lord Christ is risen! We are often led to believe by some that the God of the …... The Gospel of Salvation Christ is risen! Well we may rejoice in what has been achieved in our …... Prayer Christ is risen! I pray, I fast, I go to Church, I give to charity, …... Christ’s Resurrection is our Resurrection Christ is risen! Our faithfulness to God is meaningless without the …... What is love? Love is seen universally as a good thing: everyone is pro-love. …... Ideas and Ideologies Our world likes to identify itself with ideas …... Live life World history is displayed on grand stages: speeches made to thousands, …... More perfectly receive Truth and Life We started the Great Fast by forgiving and asking for forgiveness …... Encounter Christ "We have seen the True Light," we hear during the Liturgy, "we have …... Outside Paradise I sit outside Paradise and bewail my loss, for I too have fallen …... Everything is renewed What Christians believe is truly beyond human logic. …... Participate and live Some go to Church as a spectacle. They sit and watch as …... Repent A doctor or a dentist usually has a willing patient. We want to be well, …... Hypocrisy There's something I want and there's nothing I can do to get it, …... I believe "I believe it will be a good year," or "I believe the shop will be …... Goals Our world encourages us to set goals for our lives …... Festering sin In our modern eyes, sin is viewed morally and legally. "I did the wrong …... Reflect, ponder, think This week between Christmas and New Year has a strange feeling for many …... Christ is born! Glorify him! We celebrate a birthday not merely to remember the event of a person's …... Repent Christians repent; we view the world with its evil and the evil which we …... Valuing gifts As children, it would be easy for us to cause offence to our parents, …... The Body of Christ It is easy to imagine that what is important is "my own relationship with …... The Holy of Holies The history of Israel of the Old Testament—our history!—is leading to …... Stand firm The world always offers us temptations to draw our worship away from …... Community spirits "You are fine by yourself," our world lies to us, …... Rituals Our life is full of rituals, they mark out who we are as a society and …... Be the salt and the light "In the year that King Uzziah died," the Prophet Isaiah tells us, …... Share love You are loved. This is the fundamental reality of human existence …... Foolishness to the world The Cross has become for many in our society a pretty object, …... A word from Sayidna “I called to mind the Prophet, as he cried: I am earth and ashes; …... The Empty Tomb What will become of us, dear brothers and sisters, when we die? …... Transfiguration The Transfiguration is described in three of the Gospels …... Give to the Lord Which part of your life do you offer to the Lord? Which part do I offer? …... The saints as our guides The saints form for us a continuous tradition throughout the centuries …... The Greatest Miracle The Lord said, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign." …... A part of Life It is all too easy to lie to ourselves, "I can worship God anywhere." …... Rivers of the Spirit At the Ascension, the disciples still seemed to misunderstand the Gospel …... Listen to God From late winter we have been in the period surrounding Pascha. ...... A Life of Faith Christ is risen! "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, ...... Start with prayer Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! How often do we place prayer at the…... The Bishop’s Visit With great joy, the faithful of Twelve Apostles’ Church welcomed our ...... The Place of the Bishop For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, ...... Enter the Mystery It is with great joy I greet you all in Great and Holy Week. ...... The Spiritual Spring Evenings are getting noticeably longer as we witness spring ...... Live the Faith Our world has turned religions into sets of beliefs—it is as if ...... It’s their fault The history of the human race is the story of passing the blame: ...... How long? It is easy to look around us and see the world crumbling—war, fear, panic …... Forgive us as we forgive We have arrived! We have arrived at the threshold of the Great Fast. ...... War War has descended. The enemy is before us and we must fight. ...... Put magic aside Do you believe in magic? Because it is rife in our society. ...... Heroes and Heroines Before setting out on a quest, the hero of legend must prepare himself. …... Witness of Love The Christian life is a paradox. We are told the way to lead is to serve, …... Receive Christ When a new-born baby comes into the world the life of the parents is ...... The chief of sinners In the Prayer before Communion we say, I believe, O Lord, and I confess, …... A sanitised life How much of our lives is lived as spectators—observing the dangerous, ...... Pagan gods defeated Creation is renewed when Christ descends into the waters ...... Offer ourselves "What does God want from me?" I ask myself, "What should I do for him?" ...... Life is hard Life is hard. The utopia promised to us by ...... What is a feast? Our human life is made of a multitude of cycles and seasons ...... Do you remember? How much of your past do you remember? This can be a difficult question ...... Christ the Gift God offers to you and he offers to me the Kingdom. Freely. All we ...... Christ the Truth Many in our world believe religion is here to provide comfort to ...... Christ’s Victory For thousands of years humanity remained captive to demons and the devil...... You are loved You are loved. This is the foundation and starting point ...... What shall I give back? It is an impossible task to count all the blessings God has given us. ...... Alive in Christ It must have been an impressive event when Paul, the great Apostle ...... A saint who speaks to us We are surrounded by a great cloud of saints: ...... Why be a Christian? Why should anyone be a Christian? Many people in our society lead ...... The Cross, the means of our salvation Human history is the story of humanity's rejection of God. ...... Our priorities September, even in our modern world, is a time for returning to ...... How does the Liturgy affect you? And this is a good moment for each of us to reflect: what does it mean ...... Our saint, our land, our prayer Every day we commemorate saints. Some we feel a closeness to, others ...... A cloud of witnesses We are still within the celebration of Pentecost and I greet you all ...... The End Times Are we in the End Times? This is a question many like to ask. ...... In-between We are in an in-between phase of our liturgical life. We have stopped ...... The Leavetaking of Pascha Christ is risen! In the coming week we will come to the end ...... Who is welcome? Christ is risen! How many of us want Church to be for people like us? ...... Focusing on problems It is easy to focus all our attention on a problem—this is ...... Getting organised Christ is risen! How easy is it to realise once we've started something ...... Christ is risen! How has the Resurrection impacted your life this week? ...... New Place of Worship Starting with Great Vespers on Lazarus Saturday, Twelve Apostles' Church will be able to hold... Pascha Services Our services for Pascha are as above. ...... Twelve Apostles’ Feast The growth of our community continues. Our Metropolitan, Sayidna Silouan, has now blessed us... A beginning We have only just started, and we are unable to hold services yet, but we can be united as a communi...
Latest News The Bishop In the first decade of the second century, less than a hundred years …... Latest Blog Apodosis of Pascha Today we offer back to God the celebration of Pascha—today is its Apodosis…... Latest Sermon No longer possessed by anger — Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise Another person wrongs me and I am burned up inside: anger possesses me …... Latest Media How to balance Faith and Career In this episode of Be the Bee, Steve explores how we can balance our ......