Dear Friends
We gather from different places, from different backgrounds, from different joys and hardships, different hopes and trials, different triumphs and challenges. We come together and we are bound to one another, and therefore to Christ, most perfectly in the Divine Liturgy where through rites and rituals we take bread and wine—the fruit of our labours—and God receives the offering and himself becomes the bread to feed the faithful.
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me has everlasting life.
John 6:47–51
I am the bread of life.
Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that one may eat of it and not die.
I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.

I encourage you, think on these things, ponder these things, meditate on these things. The God who created the Universe, who entered Creation and was crucified, who destroyed our slavery to Death, who rose from the dead, says to you and he says to me,
Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me. …
First Corinthians 11:24–25
This cup is the new covenant in my blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
And we are changed, we are transformed, we are transfigured: we offer our mortal selves and he offers us immortality. And along with the Psalmist we cry out,
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
Psalm 33
For those who are able, we start on Friday a new series on learning about the Divine Liturgy—what does it mean for us? How may we all participate more? Each week, at 8 pm online, we will work through the service—each week we warmly invite you to join us. Even if you cannot commit to all sessions, you are welcome whenever you can.
And, more importantly, live the Liturgy. The prayers we hear, from the priest and from the chanters, are our prayers said on behalf of all. This is not a mystery for only certain members of our community but all participate in the proclamation of Christ. And the more we participate, the more we make the words our words, the music our music, the ritual our ritual, the more each is transformed into the image of Christ.
Come and encounter Christ and be transformed by him. Come and see!
We serve a meal following the Liturgy on Sundays. All are welcome.
Do you, or someone you know, want to join our mailing list and receive our weekly email? Then let me know.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen.
Whom would you call, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to be the future leaders of a movement, preachers of faithfulness, heralds of the Gospel? It would be sensible to look for orators and public speakers, those who already have leadership experience, those who can motivate others. But the Lord looks to fishermen—hardly likely to have any of these characteristics—to be the Apostles of his Church.
Today marks the second time Andrew and Peter had been called. They had already been disciples of the Forerunner and Andrew had heard the Great Prophet say of Christ, “Behold the Lamb of God!” (John 1:36) Andrew brought his brother to the Lord who gave him a new name, Peter. (v. 42) And Christ taught them, prepared them, made them ready for him to make the call. After the Baptist’s arrest, they returned to their fishing but still waiting for the call of the Lord.
And now the moment of Christ “to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,” (Luke 4:19; cf. Leviticus 25:10) has come and he comes to Andrew and to Peter and says to them “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” And having had the preparation with the Forerunner and with Christ, they both immediately leave their nets and follow him.
Read last Sunday’s Sermon, Follow me.
Archive of Past Sermons.
Services this week
Friday 23rd June
Discussion on the Divine Liturgy, 8 pm
Online only
Saturday 24th June
Great Vespers, 6.30 pm
At St Francis’ Hall, Eastleigh
Sunday 25th June
Matins & Divine Liturgy, 9 am
At St Francis’ Hall, Eastleigh
Online session is via Google Meet: please get in contact for the details.
Please join us: all are welcome, come and see.
Attending Church
We meet at St Francis’ Hall, Nightingale Avenue, Eastleigh, SO50 9JA. Come and See.
Can I help you?
I am here for you, you need only ask. Is there a way I can support your life of faith? Get in touch.
Can you help the community?
Yes, absolutely. Offer yourselves to the Lord: pray! Make available to him all your talents and ask him how he would like you to use them — listen for his reply.
Your prayers!
With love in Christ
Fr Alexander
[email protected]