Home » Resources » Sermons Archive Search for: All Sermons Descend to Humility—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee “Where are you, O Adam?” cries the Lord from Heaven. And seeking …... Behold a priest bearing in his arms the Seed—The Meeting of the Lord All come to honour the appearance of Christ on the earth. …... Today Salvation has come—Fifteenth Sunday of Luke By a tree, Adam sought to open his eyes and be like God, knowing …... Afar off from God—Twelfth Sunday of Luke I stand afar off from God. I suppose He abhors me, thinks me unclean …... Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand — Sunday after Theophany The Forerunner had been arrested. Herod the tetrarch had …... Cross the Jordan — Theophany “Behold!” says the Forerunner, “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin …... Weep and Lament — Sunday after Christmas We cry, we weep, we lament the loss of loved ones. But we do so, …... Greet and worship Christ—Christmas The line of David had failed: Herod was not of the house and lineage of …... Until—Sunday of the Genealogy “Go therefore,” says the Lord, "and make disciples of all the nations, …... Come for all is now ready—Eleventh Sunday of Luke From the dawn of Creation, God has shown great care for the creatures made…... Bowed to the earth—Tenth Sunday of Luke Darkness surrounds my soul and I am weighed down by my iniquities and …... And the Lord passes us by – Fourteenth Sunday of Luke I am in darkness and in want. Alone at the roadside, in my blindness …... And this is eternal Life—Thirteenth Sunday of Luke We easily imagine that eternal Life is like life in this world, …... Storing up grain, storing up blessings—Ninth Sunday of Luke Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. …... Serve God, serve our neighbour—Eighth Sunday of Luke “How should I live my life as an Orthodox Christian?” I ask the Lord. …... Without a face, without personhood—Fifth Sunday of Luke One word in Greek for “person” is “πρόσωπον” (prosopon) which originally …... Do not fear; only believe—Seventh Sunday of Luke How many people reached out to touch the hem of the Lord’s garment? …... No middle ground—Sixth Sunday of Luke I want to think of myself as starting in a neutral position …... Introduction to Christ—Fourth Sunday of Luke To someone who wants to know more about the Church, …... Miracles—Third Sunday of Luke “Lord,” I cry out, “raise me up, for I am fallen and feel as a dead man.” …... As you would wish men to do to you—Second Sunday of Luke I stand before God in confession and I say my sins in the presence of …... Do not be afraid—First Sunday of Luke For centuries the remnant of Israel had toiled through the night. …... Chasing happiness—Sunday after Holy Cross Our world has never known such wealth as we enjoy today. We have …... Look up—Sunday before Holy Cross I have cares and responsibilities to which I must attend, I must …... A period of blessings—Beginning of the Indiction We see in Scriptures, and in the history of the Church, the appearance …... In the fourth watch of the night—Ninth Sunday of Matthew Mankind lives amidst a storm of oppressions against us, and we seem unable…... How to be a disciple—Eighth Sunday of Matthew When the Lord heard the report of the execution of his cousin, …... Why go to Church? — Fifth Sunday of Matthew Why go to Church? Really, why? Because for many our life in this world …... Nothing except Faithfulness—Fourth Sunday of Matthew It is easy to like the good sides of the Gospel, the pleasant sides …... You are the light of the world—Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council “Again,” says the Lord, “the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden …... No longer under guardianship—Second Sunday of Matthew In our infancy in our faithfulness to Jesus Christ …... Your decision—Feast of the Twelve Apostles I am very happy to be among you today. Why? Because this is …... Pass on the blessings—Holy Pentecost In Palestine there are two seas, Galilee to the north and the Dead Sea …... Why are we here in Church?—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of Nicea Why are we here in Church? What have we come to see? …... Get our hands dirty—Sunday of the man born blind Christ is risen! We have come, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to …... What effect does the Gospel of the Resurrection have on our lives?—Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Christ is risen! What effect does the Gospel of the Resurrection have …... See, you are well!—Sunday of the Paralytic Christ is risen! I have been washed, and I have been cleansed in …... Hew out our hearts—Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers Christ is risen! Where were the Disciples? The Eleven, those remaining …... Signs and Testimony—Thomas Sunday Christ is risen! John’s Gospel, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, is…... Christ is risen!—Great and Holy Pascha Here and now, in our midst, Christ is risen! All around us Christ is risen…... Some doubted—The Blessed Sabbath “But some doubted.” Having seen all that had been accomplished for us …... Glorious thrones—Sunday of St Mary of Egypt The drive to be the best, to be the superior, to be above others, …... Unclean spirits—Sunday of St John Climacus I come before the Lord, dear brothers and sisters, and demand of him …... Without compulsion—Sunday of the Holy Cross We are used, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to religious leaders …... Freedom from sin and death—Sunday of St Gregory Palamas Imagine, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you no longer needed to pay …... Christ is the centre—Sunday of Orthodoxy I have discovered Christ and his Church, my dear brothers and sisters …... We forgive—Forgiveness Sunday We forgive. We forgive because the Lord has commanded us to forgive, … ... According to our actions—Sunday of the Last Judgement Over the last few Sundays the Lord has divided the world into two groups. …... Return to the Father’s House—Sunday of the Prodigal Son Throughout our lives, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we make plans …... The God of Humility—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee I, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, was set in the Paradise of Delight…... Outside the Church—Sunday of the Canaanite Woman The Lord withdrew, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, into the region of…... Faithfulness and Fidelity—Sixteenth Sunday of Matthew Why, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, do others have better abilities …... Hospitality, Generosity and Repentance—Fifteenth Sunday of Luke What, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, does it mean to be a Christian?…... I walk with Jesus of Nazareth—Fourteenth Sunday of Luke I walk, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, with Jesus of Nazareth as …... Go and show yourselves to the Priest—Twelfth Sunday of Luke I walk in and out, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, of the City of …... Repent—Sunday after Theophany “In those days,” we are told in the previous chapter of the Gospel …... Three Baptisms—Sunday before Theophany Through Moses we, the children of Israel, received a first baptism. By … ... Born again—Christmas Christ is born! Glorify him! "Jesus answered and said to him, ..."... Come and see!—Sunday before Christmas We have come, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to this the fortieth …... The Great Banquet—Eleventh Sunday of Luke It is a natural part of our existence, …... With love and compassion—Tenth Sunday of Luke I have heard the Gospel of the Kingdom, my dear brothers and sisters, and …... What is the question?—Thirteenth Sunday of Luke What, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, is the question when we have …... Rich in blessings—Ninth Sunday of Luke How much of our lives, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, is spent in …... At the threshold of the inn—Eighth Sunday of Luke Regularly I stand before the Lord and I ask him, “Teacher, what shall I do…... The Feast of the Kingdom—Fifth Sunday of Luke We have in Scripture, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Kingdom …... Who was it that touched me?—Seventh Sunday of Luke “Who was it that touched me?” says the Lord. Many had come to be near him…... Freedom from demonic powers—Sixth Sunday of Luke There are those today who think religion is about “gods of the gaps.” …... Co-workers—Fourth Sunday of Luke The Apostle Paul, elsewhere from today’s Epistle reading, often uses …... Mourn and lament—Third Sunday of Luke We mourn, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and we weep over the dead. …... Life for death—Second Sunday of Luke “Ours is an esoteric faith,” I lie to myself, “a mystical faith, …... Christ has found me—First Sunday of Luke I want to think of myself as having found Christ and his Church. … ... I carry my cross—Sunday after Holy Cross René Descartes, the seventeenth-century French philosopher, is perhaps … ... A crucified God—Sunday before Holy Cross The Roman Empire knew how to maintain law and order, to maintain … ... The Bad Tenants—Thirteenth Sunday of Matthew Notice, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the care and attention …... Searching for Truth and Beauty—Twelfth Sunday of Matthew It would seem evident, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, there are many…... Pay what you owe—Eleventh Sunday of Matthew Were the events of today’s parable in a different order, …... A life of faithfulness—Tenth Sunday of Matthew We see, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, many acts of faithfulness …... Come, calleth out the Lord—The Transfiguration “Come,” calleth out the Lord, “Come with me, O Peter, …... That they may see your good works—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council “You are the light of the world,” says the Lord, and in commenting …... Seeking a Sign—Fifth Sunday of Matthew The Lord says, elsewhere from today’s Gospel reading, “An evil and …... Recognise Faithfulness—Fourth Sunday of Matthew Prior to today’s reading the Lord gave the Sermon on the Mount—chapters …... Lilies or Birds—Third Sunday of Matthew Which, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, of the two described …... Follow me—All Saints of Britain (Second Sunday of Matthew) Whom would you call, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to be the …... Acknowledge in Christ—Sunday of All Saints “Every one who acknowledges me before men,” says the Lord, "I also will …... I am the Light of the World—Pentecost How much do I work, tirelessly at times, to resist Christ. …... And this is eternal life—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council So many in our world are searching for something but they do not know what…... Go, wash in the pool of Siloam—Sunday of the man born blind Christ is risen! Just prior to today’s Gospel reading, the beloved …... I am right—Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Christ is risen! I know as an Orthodox Christian I am right. I am on …... Do you want to be healed?—Sunday of the Paralytic Christ is risen! I am weak and infirm, though I refuse to accept it, …... Animated by the Holy Spirit—Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers Christ is risen! It is hard to stand for the Gospel—I am afraid of …... Listen to the Word—Sunday of Thomas Christ is risen! In our world we like to dismiss what others say if it …... Death caweth out from the Underworld—Great and Holy Saturday Death caweth out from the Underworld, "Make ready, O Hades, …... Raised or Resurrected?—Palm Sunday Throughout the Gospels, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord …... Tempted by doubt—Sunday of St John of the Ladder Our modern world proposes that science has taken the place of religion …... Why do we live?—Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross Why do we live? Our society does not know the answer to this …... Rise, take up your pallet and go home—Sunday of St Gregory Palamas The Lord calls to me, “I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home…... Speaking the truth in love—Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy “You are wrong,” I call out to those outside the Church, “you do not …... I fast—Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam from the Paradise of delight “I fast,” I tell myself, yet the whole world knows I’m fasting, …... Faithfulness, not results—Sunday of the Last Judgment Note, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord does not command us …... With swine in a foreign land—Sunday of the Prodigal Son When, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, did the younger son sin? …... I am not ill like they are—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee I go to the hospital and wait to see a doctor, I am sat and at ease. …... Have mercy on me—Sunday of the Canaanite Woman When I pray I ask time and again for the Lord to do things, to act …... Today salvation has come—Fifteenth Sunday of Luke When the paralytic is carried by four friends and let down through …... Gratitude—Twelfth Sunday of Luke I am leprous and sinful, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and I …... Why marvelest thou?—Theophany “Why marvelest thou?” calleth out the Lord, “When, O Forerunner …... In the midst of the feasts—Circumcision of the Lord We are here, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, in the midst …... Where is your King? Where is God?—Christmas Christ is born! Glorify him! Well might Herod be troubled at the news …... Living faithfully—Sunday before Christmas “And Jesus came and spoke to them,” we are told by the Evangelist Matthew …... Community—Eleventh Sunday of Luke A meal, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, is about more than just …... Owned by possessions—Thirteenth Sunday of Luke Elsewhere in Scripture, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Scribes and …... Serving others—The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple I convince myself, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, of the meaning of …... Standing at the Threshold—Eighth Sunday of Luke “The law teaches,” St Theophylact of Ohrid tells us, "that man must give …... The Lord walks by—Seventh Sunday of Luke I have an infirmity which prevents me from being fully part of …... Names in the Book of Life—Fifth Sunday of Luke What are we to learn, dear brothers and sisters, from today’s parable? …... Sin is crouching at the door—Sixth Sunday of Luke I believe I am in charge of my life, that I can make choices …... Become disciples—Fourth Sunday of Luke “Give heed, O my people, to my law,” says the Lord through King David, …... Behold the Bridegroom comes—Third Sunday of Luke A widow, dear brothers and sisters, is one who has lost her husband, …... Give—Second Sunday of Luke “I must assert my rights,” I say to myself, “I must get what I deserve.” …... Push out into the deep—First Sunday of Luke How easily, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, do we flit between …... Take up our crosses—Sunday after Holy Cross All around us, dear brothers and sisters, our world is trying to find …... Snakes in the Camp—Sunday before Holy Cross At Babel, mankind sought to build a Tower that the Most High might be …... What do I have to believe?—Twelfth Sunday of Matthew “What do I have to believe,” I ponder to myself, “to be a member of …... Why does the Lord not do what I pray for?—Tenth Sunday of Matthew “Why does the Lord not do what I pray for?” I ponder to myself: …... Lord, it is well that we are here—Transfiguration “Lord,” we cry out here at the Divine Liturgy, …... Do you believe I am able to grant to you health and life?—Seventh Sunday of Matthew You see, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that the Lord in today’s ...... Whom would we bring?—Sixth Sunday of Matthew Whom would you bring, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to the Lord …... The True Light—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council “We have seen the True Light,” we will hear towards the end of the Divine …... Why do you not heal me?—Fourth Sunday of Matthew In my pride and hubris I state to myself rather than to God, “why do you …... The Path to Life—Third Sunday of Matthew Our society is surrounding itself with distractions: phones, televisions, …... Follow me—Second Sunday of Matthew You see, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the pattern of the Lord. …... God acts The Apostles Peter and Paul are central to the narrative of ...... Honour God First The Lord said, “But many that are first will be last, and the last first.”…... Transformed by Christ—Great and Holy Pentecost What do you do, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, when you encounter ...... A Confession of Faith—Sunday of the Fathers of Nicea Prior to the Lord’s Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the three disciples,...... Who is to blame?—Sunday of the Man Born Blind Christ is risen! “Who is to blame?” we ask ourselves whenever something …... Face to face with God—Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Christ is risen! "And it came to pass, when Moses entered the tabernacle, …... Holding on to grace—Sunday of the Paralytic Christ is risen! Lent, the Great Fast, is a time for preparation, of ...... Receive Christ—Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers Christ is risen! Crucifixion is one of the most vile and repugnant methods…... How will you respond?—Great and Holy Pascha In his great love for you and in his great love for me, God has given ...... Christ’s Entry—Palm Sunday “This month shall be your beginning of months;” says the Lord, ...... I forget the Glory of God—Sunday of St Mary of Egypt It is easy to ask ourselves, “How could the disciples have forgotten ...... I doubt—Sunday of St John Climacus We live, dear brothers and sisters, in an age where we have grown ...... It’s too much for me—Sunday of the Holy Cross It is a great honour, dear brothers and sisters, to compete in the Olympics... The Centre—Sunday of St Gregory Palamas “I know what people need,” I tell myself, “they need the Orthodox Church. …... How have I robbed my neighbour?—Sunday of the Last Judgment We are all mixed together in this life, my brothers and sisters ...... Come to yourself!—Sunday of the Prodigal Son A key phrase in today’s Gospel, my brothers and sisters, is when the Lord …... I am the Pharisee—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee “I know what God wants,” I tell myself, “he wants repentance ...... The moral Christian—Sunday of the Canaanite Woman What does the life of a Christian look like, my brothers and sisters? ...... Trample down fallen nature—Fifteenth Sunday of Luke “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth,” says the Lord, ...... What do you want the Lord to do for you?—Fourteenth Sunday of Luke I am spiritually blind, my dear brothers and sisters, and in my blindness …... A eucharistic life—Twelfth Sunday of Luke We instinctively know, dear brothers and sisters, that someone who says ...... Repent!—Sunday after Theophany Many cultures and religions, dear brothers and sisters, have ...... Emulate the Forerunner—Sunday before Theophany You, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and I together are called ...... Scandalised by Suffering—Sunday after the Nativity There are some, dear brothers and sisters, who seek justice ...... We remember—The Nativity according to the flesh of our Lord Christ is born! Glorify him! Dear brothers and sisters, we gather ...... Slavery or freedom — Sunday before the Nativity The birth of a child, dear brothers and sisters, is a joyous event. ...... The Heavenly Banquet—Eleventh Sunday of Luke A meal is, perhaps, the last natural sacrament of our society ...... A spirit of infirmity—Tenth Sunday of Luke I have a spirit of infirmity, dear brothers and sisters, and like ...... Reorder our lives—Thirteenth Sunday of Luke “You are good;” says the ruler to the Lord, "vouchsafe me the answer ...... Glory to God!—The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple In all that we do we look to the example of Christ. He is the Saviour, ...... Maximal Christianity—Eighth Sunday of Luke Many in our world, even those who call themselves Christian, try to see ...... The Three Afflictions From the beginning of Genesis, my dear brothers and sisters, humanity ...... Slavery or Freedom?—Fifth Sunday of Luke There are two men in the parable of today’s Gospel reading, one free ...... Death in the World—Sixth Sunday of Luke Our world, our society, is deeply obsessed with death. And this ...... Plough our hearts “What David said of old,” writes St Theophylact of Ochrid, ...... Arise and Follow him—Third Sunday of Luke The world is heading towards death. Politics and science cannot prevent ...... The Golden Rule—Second Sunday of Luke The Apostle Paul tells us, my brothers and sisters, that the teachings ...... The beloved disciple—St John the Theologian How much trust do you place in anonymous sources? ...... “I believe in One God”—Sunday before Holy Cross “I believe in One God,” we will say together shortly ...... Forgiveness—Eleventh Sunday of Matthew “I am mistreated,” I tell myself, “others do not treat me ...... Put away sin—The Beheading of the Forerunner What do you do, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, when a thought ...... Raised out of the water—Ninth Sunday of Matthew It is easy, dear brothers and sisters, to start out ...... Christian Hospitality — Dormition of the Most-Holy Theotokos How much of our lives, dear brothers and sisters, are focused on ...... Led to the House of the Lord—Seventh Sunday of Matthew One detail, which is not said explicitly in today’s Gospel, is that ...... You are the light of the world—Sunday of the Holy Fathers Why does God not act in the world more often? I pray, I know other ...... The lamp of the body is the eye—Third Sunday of Matthew You can tell a lot about a person in their eyes—we often hear phrases ...... Follow me—Second Sunday of Matthew We often feel lost, dear brothers and sisters: we see the faith of ...... Every one who acknowledges in me before men — Sunday of All Saints These, my dear brothers and sisters, are hard words for us to hear. ...... Who is the centre? — Sunday of Pentecost “I am at the centre of my story, I am the main character.” And I live ...... Division or Unity? — Sunday of the Holy Fathers My dear brothers and sisters, division is everywhere. We come together ...... Christ is risen! But, so what? — Sunday of the Man born blind Christ is risen but so what? What does that have to do with me? ...... Preaching as Christ — Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Christ is risen! How should we interact with those outside the Church? ...... Do you want to be healed? — Sunday of the Paralytic Christ is risen! We all need healing. You and I have been sat by our ...... Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearers “And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when ...... Sunday of Thomas How do we know that Christ is risen? ...... Sunday of Pascha We hear, dear brothers and sisters, many times today ...... Lord I Believe; help my unbelief! Many in our society believe that science has disproved religion, that religion was merely there to e... Annunciation One of the Great Feasts of the Church, the Annunciation of the Theotokos, typically happens during... Where do you live? Where do you live? Some here may say Poole or Bournemouth, others in other villages, towns and ...... It’s all or nothing, God or mammon My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, why are you here in Church this morning? ...... It’s all or nothing, God or mammon My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, why are you here in Church this mo... I AM, who is speaking to you The name of God is powerful. When God revealed himself to Moses in the Bur... What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of life? What does it mean to be a human being?... Have we started the Fast? We have, my brothers and sisters in Christ, completed the first week of the... What do I have to do to be saved? How much do I need to do to get into heaven? This is an easy question to a... What is a temple? My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, what is a temple? What do you unde... What is a mind? You and I, each one of us, are not merely spirits trapped within a body bu... You are what you eat “You are what you eat.” Many in today’s society will take this phrase quit... Open the eyes of our mind We too are blind, my brothers and sisters, because, as the world would say,... What shall we do? What are we doing? Religions are easy, you follow the rules and hope for the results... Where do you live? Do you live your life holding onto the past which cannot be changed? Do I?... What do you want? In our modern western society many are able to get what they want so long a... Latest News A Time to Repent Solomon the King tells us, "To everything there is a season, …... Latest Blog Apodosis of Pascha Today we offer back to God the celebration of Pascha—today is its Apodosis…... Latest Sermon Descend to Humility—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee “Where are you, O Adam?” cries the Lord from Heaven. And seeking …... Latest Media How to balance Faith and Career In this episode of Be the Bee, Steve explores how we can balance our ......
All Sermons Descend to Humility—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee “Where are you, O Adam?” cries the Lord from Heaven. And seeking …... Behold a priest bearing in his arms the Seed—The Meeting of the Lord All come to honour the appearance of Christ on the earth. …... Today Salvation has come—Fifteenth Sunday of Luke By a tree, Adam sought to open his eyes and be like God, knowing …... Afar off from God—Twelfth Sunday of Luke I stand afar off from God. I suppose He abhors me, thinks me unclean …... Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand — Sunday after Theophany The Forerunner had been arrested. Herod the tetrarch had …... Cross the Jordan — Theophany “Behold!” says the Forerunner, “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin …... Weep and Lament — Sunday after Christmas We cry, we weep, we lament the loss of loved ones. But we do so, …... Greet and worship Christ—Christmas The line of David had failed: Herod was not of the house and lineage of …... Until—Sunday of the Genealogy “Go therefore,” says the Lord, "and make disciples of all the nations, …... Come for all is now ready—Eleventh Sunday of Luke From the dawn of Creation, God has shown great care for the creatures made…... Bowed to the earth—Tenth Sunday of Luke Darkness surrounds my soul and I am weighed down by my iniquities and …... And the Lord passes us by – Fourteenth Sunday of Luke I am in darkness and in want. Alone at the roadside, in my blindness …... And this is eternal Life—Thirteenth Sunday of Luke We easily imagine that eternal Life is like life in this world, …... Storing up grain, storing up blessings—Ninth Sunday of Luke Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. …... Serve God, serve our neighbour—Eighth Sunday of Luke “How should I live my life as an Orthodox Christian?” I ask the Lord. …... Without a face, without personhood—Fifth Sunday of Luke One word in Greek for “person” is “πρόσωπον” (prosopon) which originally …... Do not fear; only believe—Seventh Sunday of Luke How many people reached out to touch the hem of the Lord’s garment? …... No middle ground—Sixth Sunday of Luke I want to think of myself as starting in a neutral position …... Introduction to Christ—Fourth Sunday of Luke To someone who wants to know more about the Church, …... Miracles—Third Sunday of Luke “Lord,” I cry out, “raise me up, for I am fallen and feel as a dead man.” …... As you would wish men to do to you—Second Sunday of Luke I stand before God in confession and I say my sins in the presence of …... Do not be afraid—First Sunday of Luke For centuries the remnant of Israel had toiled through the night. …... Chasing happiness—Sunday after Holy Cross Our world has never known such wealth as we enjoy today. We have …... Look up—Sunday before Holy Cross I have cares and responsibilities to which I must attend, I must …... A period of blessings—Beginning of the Indiction We see in Scriptures, and in the history of the Church, the appearance …... In the fourth watch of the night—Ninth Sunday of Matthew Mankind lives amidst a storm of oppressions against us, and we seem unable…... How to be a disciple—Eighth Sunday of Matthew When the Lord heard the report of the execution of his cousin, …... Why go to Church? — Fifth Sunday of Matthew Why go to Church? Really, why? Because for many our life in this world …... Nothing except Faithfulness—Fourth Sunday of Matthew It is easy to like the good sides of the Gospel, the pleasant sides …... You are the light of the world—Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council “Again,” says the Lord, “the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden …... No longer under guardianship—Second Sunday of Matthew In our infancy in our faithfulness to Jesus Christ …... Your decision—Feast of the Twelve Apostles I am very happy to be among you today. Why? Because this is …... Pass on the blessings—Holy Pentecost In Palestine there are two seas, Galilee to the north and the Dead Sea …... Why are we here in Church?—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of Nicea Why are we here in Church? What have we come to see? …... Get our hands dirty—Sunday of the man born blind Christ is risen! We have come, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to …... What effect does the Gospel of the Resurrection have on our lives?—Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Christ is risen! What effect does the Gospel of the Resurrection have …... See, you are well!—Sunday of the Paralytic Christ is risen! I have been washed, and I have been cleansed in …... Hew out our hearts—Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers Christ is risen! Where were the Disciples? The Eleven, those remaining …... Signs and Testimony—Thomas Sunday Christ is risen! John’s Gospel, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, is…... Christ is risen!—Great and Holy Pascha Here and now, in our midst, Christ is risen! All around us Christ is risen…... Some doubted—The Blessed Sabbath “But some doubted.” Having seen all that had been accomplished for us …... Glorious thrones—Sunday of St Mary of Egypt The drive to be the best, to be the superior, to be above others, …... Unclean spirits—Sunday of St John Climacus I come before the Lord, dear brothers and sisters, and demand of him …... Without compulsion—Sunday of the Holy Cross We are used, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to religious leaders …... Freedom from sin and death—Sunday of St Gregory Palamas Imagine, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you no longer needed to pay …... Christ is the centre—Sunday of Orthodoxy I have discovered Christ and his Church, my dear brothers and sisters …... We forgive—Forgiveness Sunday We forgive. We forgive because the Lord has commanded us to forgive, … ... According to our actions—Sunday of the Last Judgement Over the last few Sundays the Lord has divided the world into two groups. …... Return to the Father’s House—Sunday of the Prodigal Son Throughout our lives, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we make plans …... The God of Humility—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee I, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, was set in the Paradise of Delight…... Outside the Church—Sunday of the Canaanite Woman The Lord withdrew, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, into the region of…... Faithfulness and Fidelity—Sixteenth Sunday of Matthew Why, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, do others have better abilities …... Hospitality, Generosity and Repentance—Fifteenth Sunday of Luke What, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, does it mean to be a Christian?…... I walk with Jesus of Nazareth—Fourteenth Sunday of Luke I walk, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, with Jesus of Nazareth as …... Go and show yourselves to the Priest—Twelfth Sunday of Luke I walk in and out, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, of the City of …... Repent—Sunday after Theophany “In those days,” we are told in the previous chapter of the Gospel …... Three Baptisms—Sunday before Theophany Through Moses we, the children of Israel, received a first baptism. By … ... Born again—Christmas Christ is born! Glorify him! "Jesus answered and said to him, ..."... Come and see!—Sunday before Christmas We have come, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to this the fortieth …... The Great Banquet—Eleventh Sunday of Luke It is a natural part of our existence, …... With love and compassion—Tenth Sunday of Luke I have heard the Gospel of the Kingdom, my dear brothers and sisters, and …... What is the question?—Thirteenth Sunday of Luke What, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, is the question when we have …... Rich in blessings—Ninth Sunday of Luke How much of our lives, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, is spent in …... At the threshold of the inn—Eighth Sunday of Luke Regularly I stand before the Lord and I ask him, “Teacher, what shall I do…... The Feast of the Kingdom—Fifth Sunday of Luke We have in Scripture, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Kingdom …... Who was it that touched me?—Seventh Sunday of Luke “Who was it that touched me?” says the Lord. Many had come to be near him…... Freedom from demonic powers—Sixth Sunday of Luke There are those today who think religion is about “gods of the gaps.” …... Co-workers—Fourth Sunday of Luke The Apostle Paul, elsewhere from today’s Epistle reading, often uses …... Mourn and lament—Third Sunday of Luke We mourn, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and we weep over the dead. …... Life for death—Second Sunday of Luke “Ours is an esoteric faith,” I lie to myself, “a mystical faith, …... Christ has found me—First Sunday of Luke I want to think of myself as having found Christ and his Church. … ... I carry my cross—Sunday after Holy Cross René Descartes, the seventeenth-century French philosopher, is perhaps … ... A crucified God—Sunday before Holy Cross The Roman Empire knew how to maintain law and order, to maintain … ... The Bad Tenants—Thirteenth Sunday of Matthew Notice, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the care and attention …... Searching for Truth and Beauty—Twelfth Sunday of Matthew It would seem evident, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, there are many…... Pay what you owe—Eleventh Sunday of Matthew Were the events of today’s parable in a different order, …... A life of faithfulness—Tenth Sunday of Matthew We see, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, many acts of faithfulness …... Come, calleth out the Lord—The Transfiguration “Come,” calleth out the Lord, “Come with me, O Peter, …... That they may see your good works—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council “You are the light of the world,” says the Lord, and in commenting …... Seeking a Sign—Fifth Sunday of Matthew The Lord says, elsewhere from today’s Gospel reading, “An evil and …... Recognise Faithfulness—Fourth Sunday of Matthew Prior to today’s reading the Lord gave the Sermon on the Mount—chapters …... Lilies or Birds—Third Sunday of Matthew Which, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, of the two described …... Follow me—All Saints of Britain (Second Sunday of Matthew) Whom would you call, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to be the …... Acknowledge in Christ—Sunday of All Saints “Every one who acknowledges me before men,” says the Lord, "I also will …... I am the Light of the World—Pentecost How much do I work, tirelessly at times, to resist Christ. …... And this is eternal life—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council So many in our world are searching for something but they do not know what…... Go, wash in the pool of Siloam—Sunday of the man born blind Christ is risen! Just prior to today’s Gospel reading, the beloved …... I am right—Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Christ is risen! I know as an Orthodox Christian I am right. I am on …... Do you want to be healed?—Sunday of the Paralytic Christ is risen! I am weak and infirm, though I refuse to accept it, …... Animated by the Holy Spirit—Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers Christ is risen! It is hard to stand for the Gospel—I am afraid of …... Listen to the Word—Sunday of Thomas Christ is risen! In our world we like to dismiss what others say if it …... Death caweth out from the Underworld—Great and Holy Saturday Death caweth out from the Underworld, "Make ready, O Hades, …... Raised or Resurrected?—Palm Sunday Throughout the Gospels, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord …... Tempted by doubt—Sunday of St John of the Ladder Our modern world proposes that science has taken the place of religion …... Why do we live?—Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross Why do we live? Our society does not know the answer to this …... Rise, take up your pallet and go home—Sunday of St Gregory Palamas The Lord calls to me, “I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home…... Speaking the truth in love—Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy “You are wrong,” I call out to those outside the Church, “you do not …... I fast—Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam from the Paradise of delight “I fast,” I tell myself, yet the whole world knows I’m fasting, …... Faithfulness, not results—Sunday of the Last Judgment Note, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the Lord does not command us …... With swine in a foreign land—Sunday of the Prodigal Son When, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, did the younger son sin? …... I am not ill like they are—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee I go to the hospital and wait to see a doctor, I am sat and at ease. …... Have mercy on me—Sunday of the Canaanite Woman When I pray I ask time and again for the Lord to do things, to act …... Today salvation has come—Fifteenth Sunday of Luke When the paralytic is carried by four friends and let down through …... Gratitude—Twelfth Sunday of Luke I am leprous and sinful, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and I …... Why marvelest thou?—Theophany “Why marvelest thou?” calleth out the Lord, “When, O Forerunner …... In the midst of the feasts—Circumcision of the Lord We are here, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, in the midst …... Where is your King? Where is God?—Christmas Christ is born! Glorify him! Well might Herod be troubled at the news …... Living faithfully—Sunday before Christmas “And Jesus came and spoke to them,” we are told by the Evangelist Matthew …... Community—Eleventh Sunday of Luke A meal, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, is about more than just …... Owned by possessions—Thirteenth Sunday of Luke Elsewhere in Scripture, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Scribes and …... Serving others—The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple I convince myself, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, of the meaning of …... Standing at the Threshold—Eighth Sunday of Luke “The law teaches,” St Theophylact of Ohrid tells us, "that man must give …... The Lord walks by—Seventh Sunday of Luke I have an infirmity which prevents me from being fully part of …... Names in the Book of Life—Fifth Sunday of Luke What are we to learn, dear brothers and sisters, from today’s parable? …... Sin is crouching at the door—Sixth Sunday of Luke I believe I am in charge of my life, that I can make choices …... Become disciples—Fourth Sunday of Luke “Give heed, O my people, to my law,” says the Lord through King David, …... Behold the Bridegroom comes—Third Sunday of Luke A widow, dear brothers and sisters, is one who has lost her husband, …... Give—Second Sunday of Luke “I must assert my rights,” I say to myself, “I must get what I deserve.” …... Push out into the deep—First Sunday of Luke How easily, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, do we flit between …... Take up our crosses—Sunday after Holy Cross All around us, dear brothers and sisters, our world is trying to find …... Snakes in the Camp—Sunday before Holy Cross At Babel, mankind sought to build a Tower that the Most High might be …... What do I have to believe?—Twelfth Sunday of Matthew “What do I have to believe,” I ponder to myself, “to be a member of …... Why does the Lord not do what I pray for?—Tenth Sunday of Matthew “Why does the Lord not do what I pray for?” I ponder to myself: …... Lord, it is well that we are here—Transfiguration “Lord,” we cry out here at the Divine Liturgy, …... Do you believe I am able to grant to you health and life?—Seventh Sunday of Matthew You see, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that the Lord in today’s ...... Whom would we bring?—Sixth Sunday of Matthew Whom would you bring, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to the Lord …... The True Light—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council “We have seen the True Light,” we will hear towards the end of the Divine …... Why do you not heal me?—Fourth Sunday of Matthew In my pride and hubris I state to myself rather than to God, “why do you …... The Path to Life—Third Sunday of Matthew Our society is surrounding itself with distractions: phones, televisions, …... Follow me—Second Sunday of Matthew You see, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the pattern of the Lord. …... God acts The Apostles Peter and Paul are central to the narrative of ...... Honour God First The Lord said, “But many that are first will be last, and the last first.”…... Transformed by Christ—Great and Holy Pentecost What do you do, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, when you encounter ...... A Confession of Faith—Sunday of the Fathers of Nicea Prior to the Lord’s Transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the three disciples,...... Who is to blame?—Sunday of the Man Born Blind Christ is risen! “Who is to blame?” we ask ourselves whenever something …... Face to face with God—Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Christ is risen! "And it came to pass, when Moses entered the tabernacle, …... Holding on to grace—Sunday of the Paralytic Christ is risen! Lent, the Great Fast, is a time for preparation, of ...... Receive Christ—Sunday of the Myrrh-bearers Christ is risen! Crucifixion is one of the most vile and repugnant methods…... How will you respond?—Great and Holy Pascha In his great love for you and in his great love for me, God has given ...... Christ’s Entry—Palm Sunday “This month shall be your beginning of months;” says the Lord, ...... I forget the Glory of God—Sunday of St Mary of Egypt It is easy to ask ourselves, “How could the disciples have forgotten ...... I doubt—Sunday of St John Climacus We live, dear brothers and sisters, in an age where we have grown ...... It’s too much for me—Sunday of the Holy Cross It is a great honour, dear brothers and sisters, to compete in the Olympics... The Centre—Sunday of St Gregory Palamas “I know what people need,” I tell myself, “they need the Orthodox Church. …... How have I robbed my neighbour?—Sunday of the Last Judgment We are all mixed together in this life, my brothers and sisters ...... Come to yourself!—Sunday of the Prodigal Son A key phrase in today’s Gospel, my brothers and sisters, is when the Lord …... I am the Pharisee—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee “I know what God wants,” I tell myself, “he wants repentance ...... The moral Christian—Sunday of the Canaanite Woman What does the life of a Christian look like, my brothers and sisters? ...... Trample down fallen nature—Fifteenth Sunday of Luke “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth,” says the Lord, ...... What do you want the Lord to do for you?—Fourteenth Sunday of Luke I am spiritually blind, my dear brothers and sisters, and in my blindness …... A eucharistic life—Twelfth Sunday of Luke We instinctively know, dear brothers and sisters, that someone who says ...... Repent!—Sunday after Theophany Many cultures and religions, dear brothers and sisters, have ...... Emulate the Forerunner—Sunday before Theophany You, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and I together are called ...... Scandalised by Suffering—Sunday after the Nativity There are some, dear brothers and sisters, who seek justice ...... We remember—The Nativity according to the flesh of our Lord Christ is born! Glorify him! Dear brothers and sisters, we gather ...... Slavery or freedom — Sunday before the Nativity The birth of a child, dear brothers and sisters, is a joyous event. ...... The Heavenly Banquet—Eleventh Sunday of Luke A meal is, perhaps, the last natural sacrament of our society ...... A spirit of infirmity—Tenth Sunday of Luke I have a spirit of infirmity, dear brothers and sisters, and like ...... Reorder our lives—Thirteenth Sunday of Luke “You are good;” says the ruler to the Lord, "vouchsafe me the answer ...... Glory to God!—The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple In all that we do we look to the example of Christ. He is the Saviour, ...... Maximal Christianity—Eighth Sunday of Luke Many in our world, even those who call themselves Christian, try to see ...... The Three Afflictions From the beginning of Genesis, my dear brothers and sisters, humanity ...... Slavery or Freedom?—Fifth Sunday of Luke There are two men in the parable of today’s Gospel reading, one free ...... Death in the World—Sixth Sunday of Luke Our world, our society, is deeply obsessed with death. And this ...... Plough our hearts “What David said of old,” writes St Theophylact of Ochrid, ...... Arise and Follow him—Third Sunday of Luke The world is heading towards death. Politics and science cannot prevent ...... The Golden Rule—Second Sunday of Luke The Apostle Paul tells us, my brothers and sisters, that the teachings ...... The beloved disciple—St John the Theologian How much trust do you place in anonymous sources? ...... “I believe in One God”—Sunday before Holy Cross “I believe in One God,” we will say together shortly ...... Forgiveness—Eleventh Sunday of Matthew “I am mistreated,” I tell myself, “others do not treat me ...... Put away sin—The Beheading of the Forerunner What do you do, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, when a thought ...... Raised out of the water—Ninth Sunday of Matthew It is easy, dear brothers and sisters, to start out ...... Christian Hospitality — Dormition of the Most-Holy Theotokos How much of our lives, dear brothers and sisters, are focused on ...... Led to the House of the Lord—Seventh Sunday of Matthew One detail, which is not said explicitly in today’s Gospel, is that ...... You are the light of the world—Sunday of the Holy Fathers Why does God not act in the world more often? I pray, I know other ...... The lamp of the body is the eye—Third Sunday of Matthew You can tell a lot about a person in their eyes—we often hear phrases ...... Follow me—Second Sunday of Matthew We often feel lost, dear brothers and sisters: we see the faith of ...... Every one who acknowledges in me before men — Sunday of All Saints These, my dear brothers and sisters, are hard words for us to hear. ...... Who is the centre? — Sunday of Pentecost “I am at the centre of my story, I am the main character.” And I live ...... Division or Unity? — Sunday of the Holy Fathers My dear brothers and sisters, division is everywhere. We come together ...... Christ is risen! But, so what? — Sunday of the Man born blind Christ is risen but so what? What does that have to do with me? ...... Preaching as Christ — Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Christ is risen! How should we interact with those outside the Church? ...... Do you want to be healed? — Sunday of the Paralytic Christ is risen! We all need healing. You and I have been sat by our ...... Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearers “And very early on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when ...... Sunday of Thomas How do we know that Christ is risen? ...... Sunday of Pascha We hear, dear brothers and sisters, many times today ...... Lord I Believe; help my unbelief! Many in our society believe that science has disproved religion, that religion was merely there to e... Annunciation One of the Great Feasts of the Church, the Annunciation of the Theotokos, typically happens during... Where do you live? Where do you live? Some here may say Poole or Bournemouth, others in other villages, towns and ...... It’s all or nothing, God or mammon My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, why are you here in Church this morning? ...... It’s all or nothing, God or mammon My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, why are you here in Church this mo... I AM, who is speaking to you The name of God is powerful. When God revealed himself to Moses in the Bur... What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of life? What does it mean to be a human being?... Have we started the Fast? We have, my brothers and sisters in Christ, completed the first week of the... What do I have to do to be saved? How much do I need to do to get into heaven? This is an easy question to a... What is a temple? My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, what is a temple? What do you unde... What is a mind? You and I, each one of us, are not merely spirits trapped within a body bu... You are what you eat “You are what you eat.” Many in today’s society will take this phrase quit... Open the eyes of our mind We too are blind, my brothers and sisters, because, as the world would say,... What shall we do? What are we doing? Religions are easy, you follow the rules and hope for the results... Where do you live? Do you live your life holding onto the past which cannot be changed? Do I?... What do you want? In our modern western society many are able to get what they want so long a...
Latest News A Time to Repent Solomon the King tells us, "To everything there is a season, …... Latest Blog Apodosis of Pascha Today we offer back to God the celebration of Pascha—today is its Apodosis…... Latest Sermon Descend to Humility—Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee “Where are you, O Adam?” cries the Lord from Heaven. And seeking …... Latest Media How to balance Faith and Career In this episode of Be the Bee, Steve explores how we can balance our ......