Home » Resources » Newsletter Archive Search for: Newsletter Archive Rejoice in the Lord always! It is with great joy to announce our first public services for our new community will be held ...... Lord I believe; help my unbelief! Our generation—where the Lord has chosen for us to work out our salvation ...... To love is to serve Happy feast! Today we celebrate the Annunciation of the Theotokos and all is transformed: ...... Angels and Demons One of the Great Feasts of the Church, the Annunciation of the Theotokos, ...... Sin "Sin is between me and God," we lie to ourselves: "my sin does not affect anyone but me." ...... Judgment Judgment is here. Each of us does not know the hour the Lord ...... Where is your home? We like, when we meet a new person, to find out where they live. ...... I am the Pharisee We have arrived. We are on the precipice of the Triodion, the book with the special services ...... What is Christianity? Were someone to ask you, "What is Christianity?" How would you respond? ...... Enter the Temple Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word ...... Division or Unity? Our world loves to divide and talk about division. We see in newspapers, magazines, ...... Be Doers of the Word What effect does being a Christian have on your day-to-day life? Would people recognise you ...... Let my prayer arise Christians pray. This is a fundamental definition of who a Christian is. We pray.... Plus ça change We are now well into the new year: Christmas has been long forgotten, ...... Do not be afraid This was the Lord Jesus Christ's commandment for his disciples during difficult times, ...... Our ancestors Some people can list their ancestors—parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. ...... What is my body? Many people will ask, "How will the Resurrection happen?" What process will we go through? ...... A Christian life What is the goal of a Christian life? Is it to make us feel better? ...... God’s Church It is easy to think of Orthodoxy as an esoteric or mystical religion, ...... Stand in the presence of God It is easy to stand before our icons, to make the sign of the Cross and then be lost about what ...... Serve the Lord with fear Most discussions regarding this second lockdown are not, in my unworthy opinion, helpful because ...... Forgive Forgiveness is hard. It is challenging. It is difficult. ...... The Age of Authenticity We are fed with doubts from our society, from our world: we may call this even the Age of Doubt. ...... The Gospels Last week we spoke of the Gospel of Christ—the news of Christ's victory over death and ...... The Gospel of Christ What is the Gospel? Why is it important? Is it not enough to live a good life, a kind life, ...... Whom do you worship? Human beings worship. This basic definition of all humanity might be surprising to some, ...... Monasticism Monasticism has been a defining aspect to the Church since the fourth century. ...... The Holy Cross Crucifixion is truly an awful method of execution. It was designed by the Romans not only to ...... A new beginning September is a time for returning to routines. The crops have been largely gathered in ...... The one who goes before We considered last week the Theotokos, so central to our piety ...... The Mother of God Why do we honour God's Mother? Can God even have a Mother? ...... Proclaiming Christ Why do we want a Church in Eastleigh? This is a good question to ask ourselves as we make plans ...... Churches reopening From the 4th July churches, along with other places of worship, will be allowed to reopen. ...... Church of the Twelve Apostles It is with great joy that I bring you the news, our archbishop, Metropolitan Silouan, has blessed...... All Saints of Britain It is a pious custom on the Sunday after All Saints (this year 14th June) to commemorate ...... The Holy Spirit’s descent Happy feast! May the blessing of the coming of the Holy Spirit enlighten you. ...... Now … but not yet Liturgically the days between Ascension (last Thursday) and Pentecost (this Sunday) are strange. ...... Let God arise On this last day of the Feast, this great and holy day, let us once more affirm our faith, ...... The man born blind Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! We are, already, coming to the end of the Paschal season ...... The Sign of a Christian We live in interesting times. It is easy to become despondent, to worry and to fret. ...... Christ is risen! It is with great joy that I greet you on this most holy of days. Christ is risen! ...... A change of mind We hear two extremes during this present crisis, on the one hand, "Where is God?" and ...... How long? It would be easy to fall into despair over the current crisis affecting the whole world ...... In Captivity Approximately 600 years before the birth of Christ a new tragedy befell his people. ...... Grow the Church ... With fear of God, with faith and love draw near I have been asked about the recent spread of the Covid-19 virus, also called Coronavirus, ...... Learn the Faith The Great Fast, Lent, is upon us and we have already completed more than a week. ...... Stewards of the Church We have now entered the last phase of our journey towards Lent ...... The Witness of the Faithful How are you preparing for Great Lent? The Church has given us two parables to consider ...... Centred on worship We have now, more formally, started our preparations for the Great Fast. ... Five principles How do we see ourselves? I would like to spend time, this week and in the coming weeks, ...... God enters his Temple We are still waiting on the Church we have approached in Eastleigh ...... O Lord, may thy will be done! We pray so often the words of the Lord's Prayer yet I wonder how much we pay attention to them.... Lord, establish thy Church! Our Church is the Body of Christ — it is you and it is me. We pray that the Lord establish our Chur... Speaking truth Brethren, grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore, it is... Happy new year! May I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and joyous new year: I wish you all blessed 2020... How shall we sing the Lord’s song? ... Christ is born! ... Prepare for Christ to enter into our hearts ... Pray, pray, pray ... The Saints of God ... The Temple of God comes to the Temple of God ... Let light shine out ... Growth of our mission ... Latest News The Bishop In the first decade of the second century, less than a hundred years …... Latest Blog Apodosis of Pascha Today we offer back to God the celebration of Pascha—today is its Apodosis…... Latest Sermon No longer possessed by anger — Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise Another person wrongs me and I am burned up inside: anger possesses me …... Latest Media How to balance Faith and Career In this episode of Be the Bee, Steve explores how we can balance our ......
Newsletter Archive Rejoice in the Lord always! It is with great joy to announce our first public services for our new community will be held ...... Lord I believe; help my unbelief! Our generation—where the Lord has chosen for us to work out our salvation ...... To love is to serve Happy feast! Today we celebrate the Annunciation of the Theotokos and all is transformed: ...... Angels and Demons One of the Great Feasts of the Church, the Annunciation of the Theotokos, ...... Sin "Sin is between me and God," we lie to ourselves: "my sin does not affect anyone but me." ...... Judgment Judgment is here. Each of us does not know the hour the Lord ...... Where is your home? We like, when we meet a new person, to find out where they live. ...... I am the Pharisee We have arrived. We are on the precipice of the Triodion, the book with the special services ...... What is Christianity? Were someone to ask you, "What is Christianity?" How would you respond? ...... Enter the Temple Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, According to Your word ...... Division or Unity? Our world loves to divide and talk about division. We see in newspapers, magazines, ...... Be Doers of the Word What effect does being a Christian have on your day-to-day life? Would people recognise you ...... Let my prayer arise Christians pray. This is a fundamental definition of who a Christian is. We pray.... Plus ça change We are now well into the new year: Christmas has been long forgotten, ...... Do not be afraid This was the Lord Jesus Christ's commandment for his disciples during difficult times, ...... Our ancestors Some people can list their ancestors—parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. ...... What is my body? Many people will ask, "How will the Resurrection happen?" What process will we go through? ...... A Christian life What is the goal of a Christian life? Is it to make us feel better? ...... God’s Church It is easy to think of Orthodoxy as an esoteric or mystical religion, ...... Stand in the presence of God It is easy to stand before our icons, to make the sign of the Cross and then be lost about what ...... Serve the Lord with fear Most discussions regarding this second lockdown are not, in my unworthy opinion, helpful because ...... Forgive Forgiveness is hard. It is challenging. It is difficult. ...... The Age of Authenticity We are fed with doubts from our society, from our world: we may call this even the Age of Doubt. ...... The Gospels Last week we spoke of the Gospel of Christ—the news of Christ's victory over death and ...... The Gospel of Christ What is the Gospel? Why is it important? Is it not enough to live a good life, a kind life, ...... Whom do you worship? Human beings worship. This basic definition of all humanity might be surprising to some, ...... Monasticism Monasticism has been a defining aspect to the Church since the fourth century. ...... The Holy Cross Crucifixion is truly an awful method of execution. It was designed by the Romans not only to ...... A new beginning September is a time for returning to routines. The crops have been largely gathered in ...... The one who goes before We considered last week the Theotokos, so central to our piety ...... The Mother of God Why do we honour God's Mother? Can God even have a Mother? ...... Proclaiming Christ Why do we want a Church in Eastleigh? This is a good question to ask ourselves as we make plans ...... Churches reopening From the 4th July churches, along with other places of worship, will be allowed to reopen. ...... Church of the Twelve Apostles It is with great joy that I bring you the news, our archbishop, Metropolitan Silouan, has blessed...... All Saints of Britain It is a pious custom on the Sunday after All Saints (this year 14th June) to commemorate ...... The Holy Spirit’s descent Happy feast! May the blessing of the coming of the Holy Spirit enlighten you. ...... Now … but not yet Liturgically the days between Ascension (last Thursday) and Pentecost (this Sunday) are strange. ...... Let God arise On this last day of the Feast, this great and holy day, let us once more affirm our faith, ...... The man born blind Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! We are, already, coming to the end of the Paschal season ...... The Sign of a Christian We live in interesting times. It is easy to become despondent, to worry and to fret. ...... Christ is risen! It is with great joy that I greet you on this most holy of days. Christ is risen! ...... A change of mind We hear two extremes during this present crisis, on the one hand, "Where is God?" and ...... How long? It would be easy to fall into despair over the current crisis affecting the whole world ...... In Captivity Approximately 600 years before the birth of Christ a new tragedy befell his people. ...... Grow the Church ... With fear of God, with faith and love draw near I have been asked about the recent spread of the Covid-19 virus, also called Coronavirus, ...... Learn the Faith The Great Fast, Lent, is upon us and we have already completed more than a week. ...... Stewards of the Church We have now entered the last phase of our journey towards Lent ...... The Witness of the Faithful How are you preparing for Great Lent? The Church has given us two parables to consider ...... Centred on worship We have now, more formally, started our preparations for the Great Fast. ... Five principles How do we see ourselves? I would like to spend time, this week and in the coming weeks, ...... God enters his Temple We are still waiting on the Church we have approached in Eastleigh ...... O Lord, may thy will be done! We pray so often the words of the Lord's Prayer yet I wonder how much we pay attention to them.... Lord, establish thy Church! Our Church is the Body of Christ — it is you and it is me. We pray that the Lord establish our Chur... Speaking truth Brethren, grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore, it is... Happy new year! May I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and joyous new year: I wish you all blessed 2020... How shall we sing the Lord’s song? ... Christ is born! ... Prepare for Christ to enter into our hearts ... Pray, pray, pray ... The Saints of God ... The Temple of God comes to the Temple of God ... Let light shine out ... Growth of our mission ...
Latest News The Bishop In the first decade of the second century, less than a hundred years …... Latest Blog Apodosis of Pascha Today we offer back to God the celebration of Pascha—today is its Apodosis…... Latest Sermon No longer possessed by anger — Sunday of the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise Another person wrongs me and I am burned up inside: anger possesses me …... Latest Media How to balance Faith and Career In this episode of Be the Bee, Steve explores how we can balance our ......