Proclaiming Christ

In this email

Message from Fr Alexander — Proclaiming Christ
What is Orthodox Christianity?
Create an online forum?
Covid-19 Response
Live stream information
News of Future Services
Saints and Feasts — 16th–23rd July
Offer of help

Dear Friends

Why do we want a Church in Eastleigh?  This is a good question to ask ourselves as we make plans for the future.  There already exists in the town Christians of other traditions: it is almost a “full market place,” to use a term from business.

We, as Twelve Apostles’ Church, rejoice that there are others who preach Christ, but we want to do more.  We believe that we must preach Christ throughout all the world and especially in Eastleigh.  God has called you, and he has called me, to be his witnesses here: to witness the saving death and resurrection of Christ and invite all to come to knowledge of the Father through the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our world is suffering.  The job of the Christian is not merely to try to alleviate suffering in this world — to try to make the best of it here and now — but to reveal that humanity can be, and is, transformed and transfigured by Christ’s Resurrection and to make manifest the Kingdom of God, here in this fallen and broken world, now.  Our new Church is not to cater to people who want “liturgical” worship nor to be a chaplaincy for those who are already Orthodox: it is to preach Christ in our town and throughout the region and bring people to God through the traditions of the Orthodox Church which is unique in preserving intact the Faith of the Apostles, after whose witness we are blessed with being named.

I need your help.

• Can you pray?  Then pray.
• Can you search to find a home for us?  Then search.
• Can you offer your talents?  Then offer.
• Can you spread the word among your friends and relations?  Then spread the word.
• Can you give encouragement?  Then give.
• Can you do any good work?  Then do.

To complete this task we need to work together.  Will you accept this challenge?  Will you be a founder of the Church in Eastleigh?

Please, above all else, pray.

What is Orthodox Christianity?

Steve Christoforou, in this Be the Bee #61 video, gives an introduction to Orthodox Christianity.  I highly recommend the Be the Bee series of videos which are made in America and are very engaging.  Perhaps you could give some other videos a watch too?

Be the Bee #61, ‘What is Orthodox Christianity?’

Create an online forum?

Would you be interested in meeting online?  One-to-one or as a group?  We could make use of technology to create an online community, ask questions, read together, pray together?

Let me know!  Email [email protected]

Covid-19 Response

We should follow government advice whenever we can.  We are not being asked to give up or deny our Faith, but many are being told to stay socially isolated and this will last, perhaps, for many months.

How can you respond?  Pray.  We pray because we love and because we know the power of prayer.  We pray not as a last resort but as a first response.

Is there anything you need or anything you can offer?  Let me know — my telephone number and email address are on each of the emails: please get in contact if you are feeling isolated: I am here for you.

Are you willing to contact isolated people via email or phone?  Let me know!  It would be good to match up those who need help with those who can offer it.

Live stream

The Monastery of Saints Antony and Cuthbert, Shropshire, is live-streaming its services for all who are unable to go to their own churches.  These are over YouTube and can be accessed here:

Usually Vespers on Saturday evenings at 5 pm and Matins and Liturgy on Sunday mornings from 7.30 am.

News of Future Services

We want to start to hold services together: things are difficult now but they remind us that we can do nothing by our own power.  Only when we place our hope in the Lord — and not in our own skills, talents, ideas, imaginations — will we be able to build a house for the Lord.

Please pray!


Have a look at our website —
If you click on the “Blog” link, or directly here, you will see all past emails as well as sermons etc.

Our Facebook Page,, too, has daily additions during the week as well as on feast days.  Please do like and share our page and content so we may reach a wider group of people.

Do you receive the weekly (on Fridays) text message?  If not, then let me know.

Saints and Feasts

Thursday 16th July — Hieromartyr Athenogenes, Bishop of Heracleopolis (c 311).  Martyr Hellier of Jersey (6th).

Friday 17th — Great Martyr Marina (Margaret) of Antioch in Pisidia (c 303).  Passion-bearers Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra, Crown-Prince Alexis, and Grand-Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia (1918).

Saturday 18th — Martyrs the Grand-Duchess Elizabeth and Nun Barbara (1918).

Sunday 19th — 6th Sunday after Pentecost.  Commemoration of the Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council (451).  Uncovering of the relics of St Seraphim of Sarov (1903).

Monday 20th — Holy, Glorious Prophet Elijah (9th BC).  St Ethelwida, widow of King Alfred the Great (9th).  New Martyrs Nun Maria (Skobtsova) (1945), Fr Dimitry Klepinin (1944), Elias Fondaminsky (1942), and George Skobtsov (1944).

Tuesday 21st — St Symeon of Emesa, Fool-for-Christ, and his fellow ascetic, St John (c 590).

Wednesday 22nd — Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalen (1st).

Thursday 23rd — Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Phokas, Bishop of Sinope (c 117).  Prophet Ezekiel (6th BC).

Can I help you?

I am here for you, you need only ask.  Is there a way I can support your life of faith?  Get in touch.

Can you help the mission?

Yes, absolutely.  Offer yourselves to the Lord: pray!  Make available to him all your talents and ask him how he would like you to use them — listen for his reply.

I ask your prayers for me.

With love in Christ

Fr Alexander
[email protected]