Dear Friends
We continue in prayer that the Lord will bless our new mission. In particular, we have approached one Church in town about the possibility of using their premises, they are having a meeting shortly and will discuss our proposal then. Please pray.
In today’s Epistle reading, the Apostle Paul reminds us
It is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”
who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
— Second Corinthians 4:6
We, too, seek to let the light of God shine out, in Eastleigh and the wider area, through the establishment of our mission.
St John Chrysostom St John the Merciful Evangelist Matthew Apostle Philip
There are many saints commemorated every week in the Orthodox Church but four stand out this week. (Further information on each are hyperlinked).
Tomorrow, Tuesday 12th, we commemorate St John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria who distributed the wealth of the Patriarchate among the poor at the beginning of the seventh century. Wednesday 13th is the commemoration of one of the greatest bishops of the Church, St John Chrysostom. His name “Chrysostom” was a nickname applied to him meaning “Golden tongued” because of the beauty of his sermons which are still read today and are the go-to for many when they want to understand Scripture.
Thursday 14th is the commemoration of the Holy Apostle Philip who preached the Gospel throughout Asia (present day Turkey) and Greece. Friday 15th is the beginning of the Fast for the Feast of the Nativity, and Saturday 16th is the feast of the Holy Evangelist Matthew, writer of the first Gospel.
Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of these and all the saints, have mercy upon us!
Can I help you?
I am here for you if you need help: get in contact with how I can support you.
Can you help the mission?
The answer is, yes! Firstly, and most powerfully, through prayer. We need much prayer. Pray that we may find a home for us to be able to meet for services, to be able to offer the prayers of the Church in Eastleigh on behalf of the town and for the wider area.
Secondly, do you know anyone who may be interested? Pray for them, forward this email to them and encourage them to get in contact with me. We hope we can build up the Orthodox Church in Eastleigh and beyond.
With love in Christ
Fr Alexander
[email protected]