Christ is risen!
With this Easter greeting, I address you, my dear ones, as we witness and live the pain that the world is experiencing as a result of epidemics, wars, conflicts, and the deterioration of economic conditions and their repercussions on the life of the Church and her children. Today we are in dire need of the event of the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and we live with the hope that he will send us the good news of salvation and liberation from all the sufferings of this world.
This Easter brings us to test our love for the Lord, our trust in him, our brotherly love, and our sincerity in carrying his Gospel to the whole world.
The icon of the Resurrection in our Orthodox Church shows the risen Christ as he raises from Hell with his hands open, the man Adam and the woman Eve, representing the whole human race. Thus Christ invites all humanity to enter his Kingdom: ours is to extend this invitation to all in our parishes and throughout this Archdiocese.
I shake hands with love, greeting you on the glorious Easter, wishing you complete health, long life and all the Lord’s blessings.
Your prayers!
With paternal love in our risen Lord, I remain your Father in Christ,
Metropolitan of the British Isles and Ireland