There is much suffering in this world. People are poorly treated, they hunger, they thirst, they hurt, they are wronged.
Why, then, the Church? Why not just get on with our lives and get as much out of living as we can before we inevitably die? Because God became one of us. God became human and experienced the pain and injustice for himself. He took on that suffering and filled it with his love. He even showed us that to offer ourselves on behalf of another is the highest form of love,
Greater love has no one than this,
John 15:13
than to lay down one’s life for his friends.
But there’s more. It’s not just a noble thing to do, not just something for future generations to comment on. This is about life, true life, abundant life.
Christ came to give us life. Are you tired of the daily drudge? Then seek life. Do you long for meaning in your life? Then seek the true life.
This, though, is not the end of the story. The Church is not about how to have a fulfilled life here and now. The Church is a signpost to the Kingdom of God.
Christ has shown us that we can be united together eternally. Even though all will pass away, in Christ we may rise and be with God. God is our destination, our goal.
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
John 10:10
Would you like to find out how Twelve Apostles’ Church, Eastleigh, can serve you? Can guide you to the fulness of life? Then get in contact—we are here for you. Email [email protected], or message us through our Facebook Page.
Come and see the God who is love! You will be most welcome.