Dear Friends
The growth of our community continues. Our Metropolitan, Sayidna Silouan, has now blessed us to serve the Liturgy. We cannot meet together as a community, as a Church, at the moment yet I will endeavour to serve on your behalf until such time as we may come together safely; this I will do each Sunday: I did this first this morning.
Tuesday (30th June) is the feast of the Holy, Glorious and All-praised Twelve Apostles — our feast day! And on Tuesday I will also serve the Liturgy for the feast.
It is a beautiful custom of our Church that we offer to God the names of those for whom we would pray when the priest prepares the bread before the Liturgy (this service is called the Proskomede, or Preparation). Would you like you and those you love to be prayed for before the Liturgy for our feast day? Then please send me a list of names, by email, and I will remember them all.
Please separate the list into four groups. We remember both the living and those who have departed this life. The four groups are:
- Living who are Orthodox
- Living who are not Orthodox
- Departed who are Orthodox
- Departed who are not Orthodox
Please include yourself at the top of the living list. You only need to include each person’s Christian name.
If you have any questions then please get in contact. If you cannot get the names to me before Tuesday then I will remember them at the next Liturgy.
I long to be able to come together as a community when we will do this together: please keep in your prayers all who are suffering during this extended lockdown period and those who are working to help us and keep us all safe.
I ask your prayers for me!
With love in Christ
Fr Alexander
[email protected]