My dear brothers and sisters, friends,
Firstly I must thank you for showing an interest in starting a mission in Eastleigh. This will be a hard task and I ask for your patience with me as well as your support.
Secondly I offer my help to you. How may I help you? We have only just started, and we are unable to hold services yet, but we can be united as a community in prayer and I offer myself to you. Please get in contact if I can be of service in any way.
Thirdly, I ask somethings of you. Pray. We will achieve nothing worthy of God without prayer. Pray for this new ministry that it may bear fruit. Pray for me and for each other. Pray for the peoples of Eastleigh, of Fareham, of Winchester, of the Test Valley and of Southampton. Pray for the wider area. Pray, too, that the Lord will help you to discover your calling. Does he desire that you serve this ministry?
I hope you have received an email directly from me as well as a text message, do get in contact if you have not. I have also started a Facebook page as well as a website, both are in their infancy but I hope to grow them. We will more notice if you are able to like and share them. Links are towards the bottom of the email.
Please remember me in your prayers as you are in mine.
With love in Christ
Fr Alexander Haig